by Dr. Nia Banks | Mar 28, 2018 | Blog, Breast Reduction, plastic surgery
It almost goes without saying that breasts can play a big role in a woman’s self confidence. So when things aren’t looking their best, or at least, when you feel there is some room for improvement, rest assured that there are a variety of breast surgeries from which...
by Dr. Nia Banks | Mar 21, 2018 | Blog, plastic surgery
When it comes to breasts, the size and shape of them can make a big difference in the way a woman feels as she walks through the world. For most, the choice to get a boob job is extremely personal, and comes after much thought and consideration. Due to the fact that...
by Dr. Nia Banks | Mar 16, 2018 | Blog, face surgery, facial surgery, plastic surgery
There is no denying the fact that gravity and age begin to take a toll on the body, specifically the face. With every year, it seems that new signs of wear and tear begin to show. And despite your best efforts to prolong your youth with non-invasive methods,...