Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa Blog
What is a Mommy Makeover?
The process of pregnancy and giving birth is truly one of life’s most beautiful experiences. There is nothing in the world that can compare to the love you feel for your child, and the effort it takes to bring them into the world is certainly worth it. However,...
Body Contouring Options After Extreme Weight Loss
If you have been on a weight loss journey, then you know how great it feels to have finally reached your goals. After taking the time and effort to watch what you eat, maintain a rigorous activity level, and make major changes in your life, you may want to sit back...
Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?
The thought of any type of surgery is enough to make many people shudder in fear. After all, invasive procedures can be intimidating to even the most confident individual. Things become even more challenging when imagining surgery around the eyes. After all,...
Enhancing the Contours of Your Body with Liposuction
Most people can agree that diet and exercise are the keys to a healthy, fit body. However, there are some areas that can pose a special problem--seeming to be completely resistant to all of your hard work. No matter what you do, the fat in these places just won’t seem...
Is Your Stomach Sagging After Pregnancy? We’ve Got a Solution
Having children is a beautiful experience. However, what is less beautiful is what childbearing can do to your body. Especially after multiple pregnancies, you may feel as though your once tight and toned figure is looking less svelte than you remember. While some...
Breast Reduction vs. Breast Lift: Determining What’s Right For You
It almost goes without saying that breasts can play a big role in a woman’s self confidence. So when things aren’t looking their best, or at least, when you feel there is some room for improvement, rest assured that there are a variety of breast surgeries from which...
How Can I Tell My Husband/Dad I’m Getting a Boob Job?
When it comes to breasts, the size and shape of them can make a big difference in the way a woman feels as she walks through the world. For most, the choice to get a boob job is extremely personal, and comes after much thought and consideration. Due to the fact that...
Three Facelift Facts You Should Know
There is no denying the fact that gravity and age begin to take a toll on the body, specifically the face. With every year, it seems that new signs of wear and tear begin to show. And despite your best efforts to prolong your youth with non-invasive methods,...
Five Benefits of a Mommy Makeover
There is no denying the fact that children are a wonderful gift (if not the most wonderful gift). However, one of the not-so-nice gifts that childbearing often brings is a body that doesn’t feel or look as good as it did before. Pregnancy and childbirth can take a...
Get Holiday Ready… Dermal Fillers & Injectables Can Help!
For many, the holiday season means spending an increased amount of time with friends and family. While this can be a relaxing and enjoyable time, it may also be a time when you want to look your best. At Beaux Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery, we have a wide array of...