Getting a nose job, or rhinoplasty, can be a big decision. You may be unhappy with the appearance of your nose, but are apprehensive about undergoing plastic surgery. You can either go to a plastic surgeon or an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor for your concerns and are unsure which one is right for you. Let’s consider the following.
A Plastic Surgeon’s Rhinoplasty
Plastic surgeons are highly skilled in all things aesthetics. They spend years in medical school perfecting the way to make you look your absolute best. They also learn how to fix any minor breathing issues you may be having due to the inside of your nose’s structure.
The Pros
When getting your rhinoplasty done by a plastic surgeon, you can rest assured that your nose is going to look its absolute best after surgery. Your plastic surgeon went to school for years just studying the way to make the face aesthetically pleasing, so they’re going to pay attention to every aspect of your nose from the size and lay of the bridge to the position of the tip. Your plastic surgeon is also trained on fixing problems with your breathing that may be caused by a deviated septum. Not only are you getting a beautiful nose, but you’re also getting one that functions well.
The Cons
The only con about getting a rhinoplasty done by a plastic surgeon is that your plastic surgeon may not be able to handpiece breathing or sinus issues. In this case, you’ll want to talk to your ENT to talk about finding a solution to those involved issues.
An ENT’s Rhinoplasty
You may be thinking that a rhinoplasty done by a doctor that specializes in working on noses is the right way to go, but this doctor did not go to school to make sure your nose looks as perfect as it can. They will, however, be able to fix any severe breathing issues you may be having.
The Pros
The best thing about getting a nose job done by an ENT is making sure that your breathing issues if you have any, are completely solved. While a plastic surgeon may be able to fix a deviated septum, more involved issues with the airway or with your sinuses may have to be solved by your ENT instead of by your plastic surgeon.
The Cons
While the ENT may be able to fix your potential breathing issues, like a plastic surgeon may be able to, you’re never sure how qualified your ENT is to make your nose as beautiful as you wish it to be. Unlike your plastic surgeon, your ENT wasn’t trained specifically to make your face aesthetically pleasing, and that may be on the back burner for your doctor when fixing your nose. If you want a cosmetic result for your nose, it may be best to go to your plastic surgeon.
If you are interested in learning more about the rhinoplasty procedure, performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, call us at Beaux Arts Institute for Plastic Surgery.